Litigation Bodenheimer Herzberg legal

Disputes revolving around intellectual property rights and information technology are commonplace in the current market. These disputes have gained importance especially due to the value companies started to attribute to their brand and proprietary technologies in the last few decades.

When it comes to litigating over IP rights and IT, proceedings can be classified (in broad terms) in four different groups:

  • Proceedings concerned with the registration, revocation and validity of intellectual property rights such as patents, trademarks, designs and other similar rights;
  • Proceedings concerned with the infringement of intellectual property (including registered and unregistered intellectual property, and copyrights and neighbouring rights);
  • Proceedings concerned with breach of licensing or transfer of technology agreements and/or determination of ownership;
  • Proceedings concerned with competition law, whether in relation to anti-trust regulation or with regard to marketing practices and data protection;

BODENHEIMER routinely advise and represent clients in matters related to intellectual property and information technology. Our attorneys are familiar with local and international frameworks for registration of intellectual property and knowledgeable in regard to the relevant administrative procedures. We are also skilled when it comes to litigating over IP/IT in connection with commercial contracts and regulatory law.

For more information on our services in the area of IP/IT, read our IP/IT Practice Area page.


Represented a German shipyard in interim relief proceedings against a competitor in a product piracy matter

Successfully defended a client against an annulment action brought by a competitor regarding a registered design of the client’s

Represented a shipyard in product piracy litigation before the German state courts against companies involved in the interior design of a yacht

Successfully litigated claims based on unfair competition and copyright on behalf of a client against competitors

Successfully prosecuted copyright and trade mark violations suffered by the client – the German branch of an internationally active group of companies